Impersonation Fraud Warning
Scammers are impersonating UOB Kay Hian entities in Malaysia on social media and messaging apps for fraudulent purposes. Please take note that UOB Kay Hian does not offer personal loans or investment opportunities with guaranteed high profits. Please be cautious of the such scam tactics. Contact your nearest known UOB Kay Hian office for verification if unsure. If you have already submitted your personal documents or paid them money, please report to the Securities Commission and PDRM without delay. You may find useful contacts and links in our Scam Alert resource page of our UTRADE website.

Frequently Asked Questions


  • Getting Started / Account Opening

  • 1. I am new to UOB Kay Hian. How do I get started?

    Do not have any account with UOB Kay Hian yet? Open an account with us today.

    Visit our investor centre to open your trading account. Our main branch is located at:

    Head Office
    Ground Floor, Menara Keck Seng, 203, Jalan Bukit Bintang 55100 Kuala Lumpur
    8:30am to 5:30pm
    Mondays to Fridays (excluding public holidays)

    Alternatively, you can also visit any of the UOB Kay Hian branches during their banking hours.

    For more information, you can:

    • - Contact our E-Business Customer Service at 1800-UTRADE (1800-88-7233) during operation hours
    • - Email your enquiries at mycustomerservice@uobkayhian.com

    Please bring along the following documents:

    Citizenship Documents Required
    For Malaysian Citizen - Identity Card (Blue)
    - Income Documents*
    For Malaysian PR - Identity Card (Red)
    - Income Documents*
    For Foreigners - Valid Passport
    - Work Permit / Employment Pass (where applicable)

    * Income Documents:- Latest Pay Slip, Latest 3 Months Bank Statement.

    Once your application is approved, you will be notified via email to create your own user ID and password to trade online. Register for our UTRADE seminars to learn how to use the UTRADE portal, techniques on fundamental and technical analysis and get trading ideas to start trading.

  • Login & Security

  • 1. How do I login to UTRADE Trading Platforms?

    Step 1: Access our homepage at www.utrade.com.my

    Step 2: Click "Login" button which located at the top right area of the webpage.

  • 2. Why am I being prompted of an invalid login?

    The UTRADE Trading Platform will automatically prevent someone from logging into the system if an incorrect user ID or password is used. Please take note of the following:

    - The caps lock, as the password is case sensitive.
    - You have keyed in the correct user ID and password.

  • 3. What can I do if my online account is blocked due to too many unsuccessful login attempts?

    For your protection, your Online Account will be blocked after five unsuccessful login attempts.

    Please click "Forgot Password / Unblock Account" to unblock your Online Account

    Click here for further details on how to unblock account.

  • 4. What can I do if I have forgotten my user ID or password?

    i. Please click Forgot User ID? to retrieve your Online Account User ID.

    Click here for further details on how to Forgot User ID.

    ii. Please click "Forgot Password / Unblock Account" to reset your Online Account Password.

    Click here for further details on how to Reset Password.

  • 5. What security measures do UOBKH practice to protect my online trading?

    As there are inherent risks involved when trading online due to the nature of the Internet, we endeavor to have the best and most up-to-date methods of security when it comes to your transactions within the UTRADE Trading Platforms.

    There are some of the security features we have in place to protect your online trading include:

    - Multiple Firewalls
    All information from clients' computers via the Internet is sent for safety checks before arriving to the internal systems to ensure that only authorized messages and transactions enter the servers. It also serves to prevent hacking into our trading systems.

    - 256-bit SSL Encryption
    To protect your data from being tampered with during transmission, all information exchanged on the secure pages are encrypted using the 256-bit SSL encryption. Any data that you send will be scrambled into an unrecognized form before it is transmitted to our server. For more information on the SSL encryption technology, please visit here

    - Intrusion Detection System (IDS)
    The IDS provides 24x7 network security surveillance and proactively prevents security breaches to guard our websites and systems against intrusion.

    - Unique User ID and Password
    You are identified uniquely by your user ID and can only log into the secured portions of the system with your password. Transactions will only be authorized with your valid user ID and password.

  • 6. What should I do to ensure security when I am trading online?

    - Log out before exit the browser
    To ensure that you close the session successfully, you should always log off by clicking "Logout" on the top right corner before closing the browser.

    - Ensure you have the latest browser
    With the latest browser version, you will have the more up-to-date security features.

    - Clear your cache after each session
    When you login to the UTRADE Trading Platforms, temporary files are stored in your system's cache. You can clear your cache after each session by following these steps:

    •     Step 1: Select "Tools" >> "Internet Options
    •     Step 2: Select "General" tab.
    •     Step 3: Click on the "Delete Files" button under the Temporary Internet Files.
    •     Step 4: Tick the "Delete all offline content" and click on "OK"
    •     Step 5: Click on "OK" and save the changes

    - Avoid sharing or using shared / public computers
    Sharing or using shared or public computers to access UTRADE Trading Platforms is a potential security risk on your part. If you use a shared or public computer, ensure that you disable AutoComplete, log out, and clear your cache after your session.

    - Ensure adequate security if on a wireless network.
    Be certain that the wireless network has been configured to incorporate network security, including but not limited to, data encryption.

    - Check your account regularly
    Always check your order history regularly to ensure that all details are updated and there has been no unauthorized access to your account. Please inform us immediately if you suspect unauthorized access on your account.

    - Regularly update your contact details.
    Keep us updated on your latest contact details to facilitate us in contacting you when necessary.

    - Protect your computer against malicious viruses.
    You are advised to install and update anti-virus software. Do not install software programs from an unknown source. Certain viruses and programs may capture sensitive personal data without your knowledge. You can prevent this by constantly updating your anti-virus software and regularly scanning your system.

    - AutoComplete Disabled.
    The AutoComplete function has been disabled to minimise unauthorised access into the system.

  • 7. What should I do to protect my password?

    - Create strong passwords that are 8 to 15 characters long and include a combination of uppercase and lowercase alphabets, numbers, and special characters. Avoid simple passwords that can be easily guessed. Here are some examples of password combination for your reference:
            Fuqinmuqin1$  (12 characters)
            Kecikmolek1$  (12 characters)
            SuperTrader88$  (14 characters)
            @JalanSelatan1  (15 characters)

    - Please note that UTRADE password is case-sensitive, so be sure to check your Caps Lock key before entering your password.

    * Note: UOBKH will never request for clients to disclose their passwords under any circumstances.

  • 8. What can I do if I encountered “You have keyed-in incorrect details” or ERROR during the Reset Password/unblock Account/Forgot User ID?

    When the information provided is different from the data associated with your Online Account, the Reset Password/unblock Account/Forgot User ID process will not be accepted. Please contact your authorized Dealer’s Representative if your registered Mobile or Email have changed.

  • Trading

  • Market

  • 1. What are the trading hours?


    Trading at Bursa Malaysia from Monday to Friday, except on public holidays and other market holidays (when the Exchange is declared closed by the Bursa Malaysia Committee)

    Trading Phases Time
    1st Session Pre-Opening  8:30am
    Opening and Continuous Trading  9:00am
    Closing  12:30pm
    Break  12:30pm - 2:00pm
    2nd Session Pre-Opening  2:00pm
    Opening and Continuous Trading  2:30pm
    Pre-Closing  4:45pm
    Trading at Last  4:50pm
    Closing  5:00pm

    * Note: All unmatched orders during the first session will be automatically carried forward to the second session and shall be considered as valid for the whole trading day.


    Monday - Friday

    Session Singapore Time
     Pre-opening  0830 – 0859* hrs
     Non-cancellation  0858* – 0859 hrs
     Continuous Trading  0900 – 1200 hrs
     Mid-Day Break Pre-opening  1200 – 1259* hrs
     Non-cancellation  1258* - 1300 hrs
     Continuous Trading  1300 – 1700 hrs
     Pre-closing  1700 – 1705** hrs
     Non-cancellation  1704** - 1706 hrs
     Trade at Close  1706hrs to 1716 hrs
     (from 3 June 2019)  (Order submission to be based on closing auction price)
     Time Period  Remarks
     * Pre-open phase  Ends randomly at any time from 0858 - 0859 hrs / 1258 - 1259 hrs
     and Non-cancellation phase will begin immediately
     after Pre-open phase ends.
     ** Pre-close phase  Ends randomly at any time from 1704 - 1705 hrs and Non-cancellation
     phase will begin immediately after Pre-close phase ends.

    For half trading day, Pre-Close routine will end randomly between 1204 hrs and 1205 hrs, i.e. Non-Cancel period can start any time between 1204 hrs and 1205 hrs.

    Visit SGX website for more information on trading hours and Trade at Close.

    Hong Kong

    HKEx operates from Monday to Friday (except on Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays) during the following hours:

    Time Range Session
     Pre-Opening Session
     Pre-opening  0900 – 0915 hrs
     Pre-order Matching  0915 – 0920 hrs
     Order Matching Period   0920 – 0928 hrs
     Blocking  0928 – 0930 hrs
     Continuous Trading Session
     Morning Trading  0930 – 1200 hrs
     Break^*  1200 – 1300 hrs
     Afternoon Trading  1300 – 1559 hrs
     Closing Auction Session
     Calculation and Dissemination of Reference Price  1600 – 1601 hrs
     Order Input Period  1601 – 1606 hrs
     Non-cancellation Period**  1606 – 1608 hrs
     Random Closing**  1608 – 1610 hrs

    ^New order submission and amendment made between 1200 hrs to 1300 hrs will be sent to the exchange at 1300 hrs.

    * Order cancellation request made between 1200 hrs to 1230 hrs will only be sent to the exchange at 1230 hrs.

    ** New at-auction orders and at-auction limit orders must be between the lowest ask and highest bid of the order book.

    For more details on Hong Kong trading hours and order types applicable to the different session, please click Hong Kong Exchange website.

    Note: For half trading day, Pre-Close routine will end randomly between 1208 hrs and 1210 hrs, i.e. Non-Cancel period can start any time between 1206 hrs and 1208 hrs.

    Hong Kong Shanghai (SSE) and Hong Kong Shenzhen(SZSE)

    Monday - Friday

    Session Shanghai (SSE) Shenzhen(SZSE)
    Singapore Time
     Opening Call Auction  0915 - 0925 hrs
     Continuous Auction (Morning)  0930 - 1130 hrs
     Continuous Auction (Afternoon)  1300 - 1500 hrs  1300 - 1457 hrs
     Closing Call Auction  Not applicable  1457 - 1500 hrs
    Time Period Remarks
     0920 - 0925 hrs  SSE/SZSE will not accept order cancellation
     1457 - 1500 hrs  SZSE will not accept order cancellation
     0910 - 0915 hrs;
     0925 – 0930 hrs;
     1255 – 1300 hrs
     Orders and order cancellations can be accepted but will not be processed by SSE/SZSE until the respective market open
     Orders that are not executed during the opening call auction session will automatically enter the continuous auction session.


    NYSE, NASDAQ, AMEX and NYSE ARCA operate from Monday to Friday (except on Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays) during the following hours:

     US (Eastern) Time  0930 - 1600 hrs
     Singapore Time  2230 - 0500 hrs (Standard Time)
        2130 - 0400 hrs (during *Daylight Saving Time)

    We do not participate in extended hours trading (pre-open and post-market).

    * To adjust for Daylight Saving Time, the US market hours will move 1 hour forward from the second Sunday of March to the first Sunday of November.

    Orders will be routed for processing from 0830 hrs (Eastern Time) onwards. In accordance to US trading rules , no cancellation or amendment is allowed between 0928 hrs to 0930 hrs (Eastern Time).

    As there is no minimum or maximum bid size check, do exercise cautious during your order submission. If you have entered a higher buying price or a lower selling price than the opening/prevailing price, your order will be executed based on the prevailing market conditions.


    Monday - Friday

     Australia Time  10:00^ hrs to 16:00 hrs (Normal Trading Hours)
     16.00 hrs to 16.10 hrs (Pre-Closing Single Price Auction)
     16.10 hrs to 16.12 hrs (Closing Single Price Auction, i.e. Order Matching)
     Non-Daylight Saving Malaysia Time  08:00 hrs to 14:00 hrs (Normal Trading Hours)
     14:00 hrs to 14.10 hrs (Pre-Closing Single Price Auction)
     14:10 hrs to 14:12 hrs (Closing Single Price Auction, i.e. Order Matching)
     *Daylight Saving Malaysia Time  07:00 hrs to 13:00 hrs (Normal Trading Hours)
     13:00 hrs to 13.10 hrs (Pre-Closing Single Price Auction)
     13:10 hrs to 13:12 hrs (Closing Single Price Auction, i.e. Order Matching)

    ^ Random +/- 15 seconds
    *Daylight Saving commences from the first Sunday in October till the first Sunday in April.
  • 2. Why are there stocks listed under Top Volume during Pre-Opening (Bursa)?

    Some counters may be displayed under Top Volume during pre-opening hours (8.30am – 8.58am), due to reporting requirements for married trades executed after trading hours.

  • 3. What does Theoretical Opening Price (TOP) refer to (Bursa)?

    Theoretical Opening Price (TOP) allows investors to have a half hour ‘viewing period’ before the market opens in the morning and afternoon session. For example, trades and the theoretical opening price for each counter can be seen from 8.30am until 9am before the market starts to trade. This scenario is also applicable for the afternoon trading session. This feature allows investors to better analysis the market sentiment and share performance due to the transparent pre-opening period.

  • 4. What are the order validity types available?

    Day - Day orders expire automatically if not matched or canceled on the trading day that it is placed.

    Good-Til-Date (GTD) – GTD orders remain active until a user-specified date, unless it has been matched or canceled.

    Limit Order (For HKEX) - A limit order will allow matching only at the specified price. The sell order input price cannot be made at a price below the best bid price, if available whereas the buy order input price cannot be made at a price above the best ask price, if available. Any outstanding limit order will be put in the price queue of the input price.

  • 5. What is counter party information (SGX)?

    Counter party information tells you who the brokers that matched your SGX trades are.

  • 6. What does equilibrium price refer to (SGX)?

    Equilibrium price is the price at which orders would be executed if pre-opening/pre-closing matching were to occur at that point and acts as an indication of the eventual opening or closing price. SGX publishes this data on a real-time basis to provide more market transparency and helps market participants assess the market and adjust their orders accordingly. Masking of all better bid/ask prices and quantities acts as an additional safeguard against manipulation of the eventual equilibrium price.

  • 7. What are tickers symbols (US Market)?

    In the US market, ticker symbols are used to uniquely identify stock names.

  • 8. What are suffix letters (US Market)?

    Ticker symbols are modified with suffix letters indicating the status of the stock. In some cases, it includes corporate actions or other aspects unique to the trading of the stock.

    View list of commonly used suffix letters:

    Q: Bankruptcy reorganisation issue.
    E: Issue with deficient or late filing with the SEC.
    SP (Special): Indicates that some unusual condition exists for the security.
    RT (Rights): Represents the privilege to subscribe, in proportion to the number of shares owned, to new or additional stocks, usually at the market price. Rights have their own market value and can be actively traded.
    WI (When Issued): Indicates a transaction in a stock authorised for issuance, but not yet actually issued. The transactions are on an “if” basis, to be settled if and when the actual stock is issued.
    WD (When Distributed): Indicates a transaction in a stock authorised for distribution, but not yet actually distributed. The transactions are on an “if” basis, to be settled if and when the actual stock is distributed.
  • Order Submission

  • 1. What are the order restrictions for the respective markets?


    The minimum bid sizes are shown below.

    SGX stocks (excluding preference shares), Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITS), business trusts, warrants and any other class of securities.

    Share Price (S$) Bid Size (S$) Bid Range
     Below 0.20  0.001  +/- 30 bids
     0.20 to 0.995  0.005
     1.00 & above  0.01

    For example, if ABC shares were last traded at S$3.360, the price range to enter will be calculated to be +/- 30 bids from S$3.360. In this case, the price range will be $3.060 and S$3.660. Orders entered out of this range will be rejected as a mitigating control for any error trade.

    HKD-denominated stocks on SGX

    Share Price (HK$) Bid Size (HK$) Bid Range
     Below 0.25  0.001  +/- 10 bids
     0.25 to 0.495  0.005
     0.50 to 9.99  0.01
     10.00 to 19.98  0.02
     20.00 to 99.95  0.05
     100.00 to 199.90  0.10
     200.00 to 499.80  0.20
     500.00 & above  0.50

    JPY-denominated stocks on SGX

    Share Price (¥) Bid Size (¥) Bid Range
     Below 2,000  1  +/- 10 bids
     2,000 to 2,995  5
     30,000 to 49,950  50
     50,000 to 99,900  100
     100,000 & above  1,000


    Class of Security (S$) Bid Size (S$) Bid Range
    ETFs and Debentures  0.01 or 0.001 as determined by SGXST  +/- 30 bids
    Bonds, and Loan Stocks  0.001  +/- 30 bids
    Bonds and Loan Stocks
    quoted in the $100
    price convention
    (including SGS Bonds)
     0.001  +/- 1000 bids


    You can key in share prices for an order of up to +/- 30 cents (for share price below RM1.00) or +/- 30% (for share price more than RM1.00) from the previous day's closing price. The share price bid sizes are shown in the table below. Bursa Malaysia shall enforce Price Thresholds for all securities traded. The upper and lower price limits set for the whole trading day are as below:

    Share price bid sizes, limit up and limit down

    Share Price Bid Size Upper Limit Price Threshold for Existing Share Lower Limit Price Threshold for Existing Share
    Below RM1.00 0.5 sen 30 sen 30 sen (subject to minimum price of 0.5 sen)
    RM1.00 up to RM9.99 1 sen 30% 30%
    RM10.00 up to RM99.98 2 sen
    RM100.00 and above 10 sen

    For bonds, debentures, loan securities, warrants and call warrants, the minimum bid structure has the same minimum trading spreads as for shares.

    ETF bid sizes

    Securities Share Price Bid Size
    ABFMY1 At any price 0.1 sen
    Equity-Based ETFs Less than RM1.00 0.1 sen
    RM1.00up to RM2.995 0.5 sen
    RM3.00 and above 1 sen

    Example 1:
    If the Reference Price is RM0.06, the limit up price will be RM0.36 (RM0.06 + RM0.30) and limit down price will be RM0.005 (system minimum price).

    Example 2:
    If the Reference Price (i.e. the Last Traded Price on previous day or last trading day) is RM1.14. The upper limit price will be RM1.48 (i.e. 30% of RM1.14, round downward to the nearest bid size). The lower limit price will be RM0.80 (ie 30% of RM1.14, round upward to the nearest bid size).

    No orders shall be entered above the upper limit or below the lower limit during the trading day.


    The share price bid sizes are shown in the table below.

    Share Price Bid Size (HK$)
    From $0.01 to $0.25  0.001
    Over $0.25 to $0.50  0.005
    Over $0.50 to $10.00  0.01
    Over $10.00 to $20.00  0.02
    Over $20.00 to $100.00  0.05
    Over $100.00 to $200.00  0.10
    Over $200.00 to $500.00  0.20
    Over $500.00 to $1,000.00  0.50
    Over $1,000.00 to $2,000.00  1.00
    Over $2,000.00 to $5,000.00  2.00
    Over $5,000.00 to $9,995.00  5.00

    The share price bid sizes for Exchange Traded Funds are shown in the table below.

    Share Price Bid Size (HK$)
    From $0.01 to $ 1.00  0.001
    Over $1.00 to $5.00  0.002
    Over $5.00 to $10.00  0.005
    Over $10.00 to $20.00  0.01
    Over $20.00 to $100.00  0.02
    Over $100.00 to $200.00  0.05
    Over $200.00 to $500.00  0.10
    Over $500.00 to $1,000.00  0.20
    Over $1,000.00 to $2,000.00  0.50
    Over $2,000.00 to $9,999.00  1.00

    The share price bid size for debt securities are as follows:

    Share Price Bid Size(HK$)
    From $0.50 to $9,999.95  0.05

    HK-Shanghai/Shenzhen Stock Connect

    Minimum bid size is CNY 0.01. Shares traded on the SSE/SZSE are subject to a price limit based on their previous closing price, including a ±10% price limit for stocks under normal circumstances and a ±5% price limit for stocks that are under special treatment (i.e. ST and *ST stocks) under risk alert.

    HKEx has put in place a dynamic price checking for buy orders. Buy orders with input prices lower than the current best bid (or last traded price in the absence of current best bid, or previous closing price in the absence of both current best bid and last traded price) beyond a prescribed percentage will be rejected by the Exchange. HKEx has set the dynamic price checking at 3% during the initial phase and may be adjusted from time to time subject to market conditions.

    During Opening Call Auction, the current bid (or previous closing price in the absence of the current bid) will be used for checking. During Closing Call Auction, the current bid (or last traded price in the absence of the current bid) will be used for checking. Dynamic price checking will be applied throughout the trading day, from the 5-minute input period before the start of Opening Call Auction until market close.

    US Markets

    Share Price Aggressive Price Away Limit Passive Price Away Limit
    Less than US$25 10% 100%
    US$25.01 to US$50 5% 100%
    Above US$50 3% 100%

    If a current bid or ask is not available, then the most recent quote is used to calculate the limit threshold.

    1. If the current bid price is at $15.00, then a sell order at $13.45 (Aggressive price) will be rejected because it is more than 10% limit threshold.

    2. If the current ask price is at $30.00, then a buy order at $31.60 (Aggressive price) will be rejected because it is more than 5% limit threshold.

    As there is no minimum or maximum bid size check, do exercise cautious during your order submission. If you have entered a higher buying price or a lower selling price than the opening / prevailing price, your order will be executed based on the prevailing market conditions. You must always check your UTRADE order status for the latest order status.

    For further details, please click this link.


    Share Price(AUD)  Minimum Bid Size (AUD)
    Less than A$0.10  0.001
    A$0.10 to A$1.995  0.005
    Above A$2.00  0.01
    Order Submission  Restrictions
    Price  Up to 10% from Best Bid or Offer Price
     (E.g. If the current bid price is at A$15.00,
     then a sell at A$13.45 (Aggressive Price) will
     be rejected due to exceeding 10% limit threshold)
    Quantity  Up to 30% of the average of the last 20 days of trade
    Value  Up to USD 1m for each submission
  • 2. How can I adjust my trading limit?

    Please contact your Trading Representative / E-Business Representative for assistance.

  • 3. What is the minimum number of shares I can place per order?


    The minimum number of shares you can place in an order is one lot. The lot size, which is determined by the respective Exchange, will be displayed on the Place Order page after you have selected the stock.

    Foreign Exchanges Singapore Hong Kong US & Australia SSE & SZSE
    Minimum Share 1 Lot = 100 units Lot size is based on counter 1 Lot = 1 unit 1 Lot = 100 units
  • 4. What is the maximum number of shares I can place per order?


    The maximum number of shares you can place in an order is 500,000 shares. For orders greater than 500,000 shares, please enter multiple orders in smaller quantity.

    Foreign Exchanges Singapore Hong Kong US & Australia
    Maximum Share 5000 Lot = 500,000 units 500 Lot = 500,000 units 500 Lot = 500,000 units
  • 5. Can I place an order for odd lots of shares?


    Odd lots placement can be done online when you access the UTRADE trading platform using web browser only.

    SGX, HKEX and SSE & SZSE

    Odd lots placement cannot be done online. Please contact your Trading Representative for odd lots order placement.

    US & Australia

    You can trade with minimum number share of 1 unit.

  • 6. Can I place an order for the next trading day when the market is closed?

    You can place new order for the next trading day at the following time.

    All overnight orders are subject to trading limit check on next trading day. You are advised to check the order status from time to time.

    Market Time
    Bursa After 17:15 hrs (Malaysia Time)
    SGX After 23:59 hrs (Malaysia Time)
    HKEX After 23:59 hrs (Malaysia Time)
    HK- SSE/SZSE Connect After 23:59 hrs (Malaysia Time)
    US After 11:59 hrs (Malaysia Time)
    ASX After 23:59 hrs (Malaysia Time)
  • Intraday Short Selling

  • 1. What is Intraday Short Selling (IDSS)?

    Under the IDSS framework, investors will be able to sell securities first and buy the securities later within the same trading day itself.

  • 2. What are the lists of approved securities for IDSS?

    IDSS can be carried out on a selected List of Bursa Approved Securities. The list will be reviewed and revised by Bursa Malaysia periodically.

  • 3. What are the documents needed for IDSS’s application?

    You are required to fill in and submit the forms to your dealer representative:

    • - Application Form for Intraday Short Selling
    • - Intraday Short Selling Risk Disclosure Statement
    • - Securities Borrowing and Lending (SBL) Agreement

    Please download the form here.

  • 4. Can I access to IDSS with my UOB Kay Hian trading account?

    Your UOB Kay Hian trading account will not have access to IDSS by default. (Please refer to Question 3)

  • 5. What are the restrictions on IDSS?

    It is not applicable to:

    • - Margin Clients
    • - Direct Business Transactions
    • - On Market Married Transactions
    • - Odd lot

  • 6. What time should I close the short position for IDSS?

    It is best to close the short position by 4:30PM. Reason is because the market will enter into matching time (pre-closing), if you have not closed the position before 4:45PM, you might not be able to buy back your short selling shares by 4:59PM, because after 4:50PM to 4:59PM is trading at last, all stocks are to be traded at last price.

  • 7. Is it mandatory for IDSS position to be closed off during the day?

    Yes. All IDSS position MUST BE CLOSED OFF during the day.

    • - It is considered a breach of Bursa Rules if IDSS position is not closed off despite the fact that you have free shares in your CDS Account with UOBKH.
    • - Recalcitrant account will be suspended from IDSS

  • 8. What if I fail to close the short position within the day?

    If IDSS was failed to be closed off on same day, you will need to inform your dealer’s representative to carry out any one of the following actions unless you have the shares in your CDS account with UOBKH:

    • - Buying in the shares
    • - Transferring shares from your CDS account with other brokers or from your IMMEDIATE family member CDS account to cover the short position or
    • - Requesting UOBKH to borrow shares, on your behalf, from the Approved Shares Lender.


    • - The borrowing of shares is subject to availability
    • - Despite carrying out any of the following actions to rectify the unclosed position, you are considered to have breached Bursa Rules as well. (Please refer to FAQ No.7)

  • 9. What is the cost of borrowing shares?

    Initiation of share borrowing – RM400.00 per initiation

    Interest rate for share borrowing – 2% to 15% p.a. + Company’s cost of fund on the Mark to Market (MTM) value of the borrowed shares

    Transfer fee – RM31.80

    Debit Note will be raised on T+4 to charge on borrowing cost

  • 10. What is the IDSS Trading Limit?

    70% of the Client’s Trading Limit;

    Client’s buy limit will automatically be increased by the IDSS amount

    The increase in buy limit is meant for client to buy back IDSS shares

  • 11. Which type of account can perform IDSS?

    Cash Up Front Account

    Collateralised Account

    Normal Account

  • 12. What is the brokerage fee for intraday short sell?

    There is no additional fee. The brokerage fees vary depending on the type of the trading account. You may contact your dealer representative for more information.

  • 13. How to identify IDSS securities on live quote?

    The symbol of "^" represents IDSS securities. It will appear right beside the stock name on live quote.

    IDSS Symbol ("^")

    New Order Type for IDSS

    Order Status Screen for IDSS

  • Fees & Settlements

  • 1. What are the commission and other charges?

    Commission (Online):

    All Contract Types Collaterised Account Cash Upfront Account
    Contract Value up to RM100,000 0.30% 0.10%
    Contract Value above RM100,000 0.20% 0.10%
    Intraday 0.10% 0.10%
    Minimum Commission RM8.00
    Other Charges
    Clearing Fee 0.03% on gross consideration (Maximum of RM1,000)
    Stamp Duty For "shares or stock" - the stamp duty is RM1.00 for every RM1,000 (or fractional part) of the transaction value of securities (payable by both buyer and seller). The stamp duty shall be remitted to the maximum of RM1,000 with effective from 13 July 2023 until 12 July 2028.

    For "marketable securities" - the stamp duty is RM1.00 for every RM1,000 (or fractional part) of the transaction value of securities (payable by both buyer and seller). The stamp duty shall be remitted to the maximum of RM200 with effective from 1 Jan 2022 until 31 Dec 2026.

    SG, HK, US, AU and SSE & SZSE markets
    Commission (Online):

    Contract Value < RM100,000 0.42% 0.20%
    Contract Value > RM100,000 0.30%
    Minimum Brokerage SGD20 HKD100 CNY48 AUD30 USD15
    Stamp Duty For "shares or stock" - the stamp duty is RM1.00 for every RM1,000 (or fractional part) of the transaction value of securities (payable by both buyer and seller). The stamp duty shall be remitted to the maximum of RM1,000 with effective from 13 July 2023 until 12 July 2028.

    For "marketable securities" - the stamp duty is RM1.00 for every RM1,000 (or fractional part) of the transaction value of securities (payable by both buyer and seller). The stamp duty shall be remitted to the maximum of RM200 with effective from 1 Jan 2022 until 31 Dec 2026.

  • 2. What is the settlement period?

    Settlement period is a duration in which the ownership transfer of securities takes to complete.

    Exchanges Settlement & Sales
    BURSA Malaysia T+2
    SGX, HKEX, ASX & LSE T+2
  • 3. How much is my purchase? What are my outstanding positions?

    You can check under 'My Account', one day after trading date to identify contract amount and due date of your trade.

  • 4. What currency can I settle my trades in?

    BURSA Malaysia and Foreign Shares - Ringgit Malaysia (If do not opt for Multicurrency Settlement, all the trades will be automatically settled in RM.)

  • 5. How can I deposit or make payment for my outstanding balance?

    You can choose to deposit using one of the following method:

    i. FPX transfer in UTRADE platform (Webpage or Mobile Application)
    (Please note that FPX transfers will be processed automatically during Bursa trading days from 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM and 1:30 PM to 6:30 PM. Any FPX transfers made outside of these hours will be processed during the next Bursa trading day's operating hours.)

    ii. Internet banking to our designated bank account

    Bank Account No
    Maybank 5070 1300 2860
    Public Bank 3133 431 011
    UOB 1723 046 667
    (Please indicate your name and/or client code in the reference section of the bank-in slip.)

    iii. Cheque deposit to UOB Kay Hian Securities (M) Sdn Bhd.
    (Please indicate your trading account number and the contract number or the contra statement number on the reverse side of the cheque.)

    Please note that only MYR is accepted via Internet banking/cheque.

  • 6. When do I receive my sales proceeds?

    The sales proceeds from selling shares will be received on the settlement day as depicted in table below. However, the fund can only be withdrawn one (1) Bursa Trading day later.

    Exchanges Settlement & Sales
    BURSA Malaysia T+2
    SGX, HKEX, ASX & LSE T+2
  • 7. Can I use my sales proceeds to offset my purchases?

    Yes, for shares listed in Bursa Malaysia, you may do so if both sales and purchases are in the same settlement currency. Please inform your Dealer Representative of your request one day before the due date of the sale(s).

    However, for SG, HK and US shares, every purchases and sales proceed will be settled in separate events.

  • 8. How do I withdraw money from my Trust Account?

    You may withdraw your trust balance through the UTRADE trading platform in webpage or mobile application.

    In webpage, please click My Account -> Trust Withdrawal Application -> 'Go' button -> Withdrawal.

    In mobile application, please click Menu -> Withdrawal -> Trust Withdrawal.

    Please take note that withdrawal request will be processed in batch, and the cut-off time is 10am on Bursa trading day. Submitting withdrawal before cut-off time may allow your fund transfer to be completed on the same day. (However, the fund transfer may be delayed to next Bursa trading day, subjected to the bank processing time.)

  • 9. Do you offer margin financing?

    Yes, margin financing is available. Please contact Helpdesk at 03-2147 1900 so that we can further assist you.

  • 10. What will be the exchange rates for my trades?

    Your exchange rates are booked at spot rates based on the instruction given by either your Trading Representative or yourself. You can either refer to the contract note or call your Trading Representative to check on the actual exchange rate.

  • 11. Will I be able to amalgamate my trades into one contract?
    Exchange  Amalgamation of Contracts (Yes / No)
    BURSA, SGX, HKEX, ASX  Allowed
    US, SSE & SZSE, LSE  Not Allowed
  • 12. Why there is charges for Bursa CDS Custody Fees for nominees clients?

    This charges is subject to applicable prevailing service tax and the securities units balances is inclusive of any securities irrespective of listing status at Bursa Malaysia.

    -Refer here for the charges of Bursa CDS Custody Fees.

  • Others

  • 1. How do contra trades work?

    For shares listed in Bursa Malaysia, orders placed online are automatically contra on a first-in-first-out basis. However, please note that our in-house policy is that all contra trades have to be done by T+2.

    There is no contra for Singapore, Hong Kong and US trades.

  • Services

  • UTRADE Rewards

  • 1. What is UTRADE Rewards about?

    UTRADE Rewards is a loyalty programme that rewards our clients with points for choosing UOB Kay Hian as their preferred broker.

    It is our way of saying “Thank You” for making us your top choice every time you trade.

    You can redeem an exciting range of rewards such as education, lifestyle, market depth, price feed, trade rebate and trading tools.

  • 2. Who is eligible for UTRADE Rewards Programme?

    All UOB Kay Hian clients with any one or more of the following online accounts are eligible for the programme:

    • - Cash Up Front Account
    • - Collateralised Account
    • - Margin Account
    • - Foreign Trading Account
    • - Normal Account

  • 3. How do I earn / accumulate reward points?

    For every RM1 of brokerage paid to UOB Kay Hian, clients will be awarded with 1 reward point. All online and offline trades for Bursa and Foreign Markets will be awarded with reward points, provided that the trading account has online trading access. Reward points are awarded daily, and are rounded down to the nearest reward point.

  • 4. When do my reward points expire?

    Reward points earned by all eligible online trading accounts will be valid for up to two years. The expiry date of all rewards points are calculated from the date that it is credited.

  • 5. Can I combine the reward points that I have earned from my different trading accounts?

    Reward points earned on multiple eligible online trading accounts can be combined for redemption as long as accounts are all linked to one eligible master online trading account.

  • 6. When and how can I make redemptions?

    We are pleased to inform that you can make redemptions via our Reward page within UTRADE Web which is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The processing of redemptions will take effect on the next business day, depending on the type of reward.

    • Step 1: Login to UTRADE, click on Rewards
    • Step 2: Select the Rewards item that you wish to redeem for
    • Step 3: Select quantity
    • Step 4: Click on “Add to cart”
    • Step 5: To continue redeeming more rewards, repeat Step 2– 4. Otherwise, click on “Check Out” to confirm redemption

  • 7. When will my Reward Points be deducted?

    Upon successful redemption, the corresponding reward points will be deducted from your account immediately.

  • Value Added Services

  • 1. What features are available for subscription?
    Subscription Services Subscription Period Subscription Fee
    Bursa Malaysia 5 Market Depth 12-month RM12
    SGX Live Prices Level 1 1-month SGD3
    SGX Live Prices Level 2 1-month SGD20
    HKEX Live Prices Level 1 1-month HKD120
    HKEX Live Prices Level 2 1-month HKD200
    US Live Prices Level 1 1-month USD3
  • 2. How do I subscribe?

    Please contact our Dealer Representative/ E-Business Representative at +603 2147 1900 during operating hours for your assistance. Alternatively, you may come to any UOBKH Malaysia Branches. Payment of your preferred live price feed subscription will deduct from your trust account in every month. We will activate the service upon receiving your form and deduction has made from us.

  • 3. How long does it take to activate my subscription?

    To facilitate payment clearance, please allow a processing time of at least 3 working days. You will be notified via email/calls upon successful activation.

  • 4. How do I terminate my subscription?

    Please contact our Dealer Representative/ E-Business Representative at +603 2147 1900 during operating hours for your assistance.

  • e-Payment

  • 1. What is e-Payment?

    e-Payment is a service offered by UOB Kay Hian Securities (M) Sdn Bhd (“UOBKH”) to its trading Clients which allows UOBKH to credit payment electronically to its client’s designated bank account. e-Payment include all sale proceeds, contra gains, credit withdrawal and any sum standing to credit in the client’s account. This is an optional service provided to UOBKH’s Client. Therefore we strongly encourage all of our valued Clients to sign up for this e-Payment service.

  • 2. How will it benefit me/us if I/we choose to receive fund via e-Payment service?

    By signing up for e-Payment service, you would enjoy:

    • - Faster: Clearing period of only 1 banking day compared to previously 3 banking days
    • - Convenience: Not having to physically go to the bank to bank-in your cheque
    • - Traceable: Receipts are instantly reflected in your bank statement
    • - Safe: Payments made are cross checked with the Customer’s name, bank account number and Identification number.

  • 3. Are all UOBKH’s Clients able to enjoy the e-Payment service?

    No. This service is only made available to individual and corporate trading Clients with sale proceeds denominated in MYR currency only. This service is not available to Margin Clients, Collaterised Clients, Institutional Clients and to contracts that is settled in foreign currency.

  • 4. Will UOBKH impose any charges or fees if I/we want to use e-Payment service?

    No. This is an extra service which is offered to UOBKH’s Clients without any fees/charges.

  • 5. Is there any restriction on the types of bank account that can be assigned for e-Payment?

    You can assign any of your existing active saving or current account held under your name or in the case of a joint account that has your name as one of the accountholders. While joint bank account is allowed, it is NOT encouraged and the trading client must be the primary holder of the joint bank account. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are the primary bank account holder to avoid payment failure.

    The saving or current account must be maintained with one of the financial institution that is located in Malaysia and offers MEPS Inter-Bank GIRO (IBG) service. Part of the participating financial institutions that offers IBG services are Maybank, CIMB Bank, Hong Leong Bank, UOB Bank, HSBC Bank, Public Bank etc. For a complete list of financial institutions that offers IBG service, please refer to the following website.

  • 6. How will my/our bank account information be used and will it remain confidential?

    Your bank account details and other related information will be used solely for the purpose of enabling payments to be credited directly into your bank account. It is protected under the Banking and Financial Institutions Act (BAFIA) 1989 that strictly prohibits the disclosure of such information to any person unless customer or his personal representative has given written permission. It should be noted that by signing the relevant form to provide your bank account information, you will be authorising the disclosure of your bank account information to parties’ necessary to effect a payment to you e.g. financial institutions.

  • 7. Can I/we register more than one bank account to receive funds via e-Payment?

    No, you can register only one (1) bank account for your trading account with UOBKH.

  • 8. What do I/we have to do to sign up for this e-Payment service?

    You are required to complete the Customer Maintenance Update Form you can get a copy of the Form from our Customer Service or your Dealer’s Representative and submit back to UOBKH with the necessary supporting documents.

  • 9. What are the supporting documents that I/we need to provide?

    You have to provide a copy of the following supporting documents:

    • - Identification documents e.g. NRIC, Passport, Authority Card or other acceptable identification documents (for individual trading Clients); or
    • - Certified Certificate of Incorporation / Certificate of Registration (for corporate trading Clients); and
    • - Designated bank account statement / bank pass book / details of bank account obtained from bank’s website which has been certified by the bank / letter from your bank confirming your bank account details.

    If you are using the same bank account that you sign up to receive e-Dividend, the supporting documents are waived.

  • 10. How long will it take for UOBKH to activate the e-Payment service?

    UOBKH will activate the e-Payment service within three (3) business days upon receive of the completed prescribed form with all the supporting documents. For the avoidance of doubt, business day shall mean a day where UOBKH is open for business.

  • 11. When can I/we expect UOBKH to credit the funds to me/us?

    Payment will be made electronically into your designated bank account by UOBKH on T+2 if there are no outstanding losses or purchases. Generally, funds will be made available in your bank account within the same day of payment. However the actual timing may vary depending on the processes adopted by your designated bank.

  • 12. How will I/we be notified once the e-Payment has been made?

    Your bank will send an e-mail and/or sms informing you of the payment received from UOBKH.

  • 13. Are there any special terms and conditions for the e-Payment service that I/we should be aware of?

    Yes. There are 2 conditions that you should be aware of:

    • - If there is any outstanding losses due and undue on the crediting day (T+2), UOBKH has the right to automatically set off the losses on the crediting day and the excess payment will be auto- credited into your designated bank account the next day.
    • - If there is any outstanding purchase(s) on the crediting day (T+2), you have an option to use the sales proceed to settle any outstanding purchase(s) by submitting the request to Finance Department through your Dealer’s Representative on T+2 to exclude the sales proceed from e-payment. The balance after purchase settlement shall be auto credited into your designated bank account the next day. Notwithstanding the above option, you may opt to withdraw your sales proceed by way of e-Payment without setting off the Purchase on T+2.

  • 14. Are there any possibilities that the e-Payment transaction may fail?

    While it is unlikely to happen, e-Payment transaction may fail under the following circumstances, (not exhaustive):

    • - Unmatched details of the Client’s bank account (e.g. wrong bank account number given by the Client)
    • - Unmatched details of Client’s NRIC / Passport no./ Company Registration No. maintained with UOBKH and Client’s designated bank account
    • - Unaccepted status of the Client’s bank account (e.g. close, inactive or dormant bank account)
    • - Any other inadmissible condition or restriction imposed by the authority
    • - Unexpected system breakdown / technical problems

  • 15. What will happen to the funds that cannot be credited electronically into my/our bank account?

    If funds cannot be credited electronically into your bank account for reasons which may include but not limited to any of the abovementioned circumstances, UOBKH shall upon confirmation from its bank on the failed e-Payment transaction, contact you to validate your bank account details and/or rectify the mistake and thereafter credit back electronically your designated bank account the next day. Notwithstanding the above, UOBKH may at their discretion remit the payment to you via cheque in lieu of e-Payment.

  • 16. Can I/we change my/our designated bank account after activation of e-Payment service?

    Yes. You are allowed to change your designated bank account by completing the Customer Maintenance Update Form, with details of the new designated bank account and submit back to UOBKH together with a verified photocopy of the new designated bank account’s latest statement or passbook. No cost would be charged for this purpose.

  • 17. After the activation of e- Payment service, can I/we still request for cheque issuance on ad hoc basis?

    Yes. You may request for payment via cheque on ad hoc basis by informing our Finance Department through your Dealer’s Representative on T+2 by 4.00 pm.

  • 18. Can I/we revoke e-Payment service?

    Yes. You can revoke the e-Payment service at any time by completing the Customer Maintenance Update Form and submit to UOBKH.

  • 19. Can UOBKH make any revisions to the e-Payment service or terms & conditions?

    Yes. UOBKH has the right to revise, amend, vary and/or modify the e-Payment service and its terms and conditions at any time, without assigning any reasons and without any prior notice.

  • 20. Where can I/we find more information about e-Share Payment?

    For more information about e-Share Payment, you can refer to Bursa Malaysia.

  • Support & Troubleshooting

  • 1. What are the system requirements for using UTRADE Web?

    • - A Pentium III 500 MHz PC or above
    • - A monitor capable of displaying a resolution of 1024 x 768 in 256 colors or more
    • - 512 Mb of RAM or more
    • - 512K BPS modem or above
    • - Windows XP/Vista/7
    • - Internet Explorer 7.0 and above
    • - Apple OS is currently not supported
    • - JavaScript enabled

    As contents on our website and system are constantly updated, we recommend that you adjust your browser cache settings to frequently check for the latest versions of stored webpages upon every visit to a page

  • 2. How do I clear my cache and cookies?

    Internet Explorer 6

    • Step 1: Click Tools
    • Step 2: Select Internet Options
    • Step 3: Under Temporary Internet Files, select Delete Files and Delete Cookies
    • Step 4: Click OK
    • Step 5: Close and re-open your browser

    Internet Explorer 7

    • Step 1: Click Tools
    • Step 2: Select Internet Options
    • Step 3: Under Browsing History, select Delete
    • Step 4: Under Temporary Internet Files, select Delete Files
    • Step 5: Under Cookies, select Delete Cookies
    • Step 6: Click OK
    • Step 7: Close and re-open your browser

    Internet Explorer 8

    • Step 1: Click Tools
    • Step 2: Select Internet Options
    • Step 3: Under Browsing History, select Delete
    • Step 4: Ensure Temporary Internet Files and Cookies are ticked
    • Step 5: Click Delete
    • Step 6: Click OK
    • Step 7: Close and re-open your browser

  • 3. What will happen if I did not logout properly?

    If you did not logout properly, you will not be able to resume your login to your account immediately. Please call us at +603 2147 1900 to reset the procedure to resume logging in to your login. The system will also reset your login automatically after 5 minutes.